 © כל הזכויות שמורות לספטיניה סולר  אקדמיית ספירלת הזהב  

         אתר האינטרנט יעבור שינויים ועדכונים במהלך חודש מאי 2024

The website will undergo changes and updates during the month of May 2024


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    ©  All rights reserved to Safataianaya Solara
  Golden Spiral Circle
 Hello, my name is Safataianaya Solar Since there is a misunderstanding in the channelings and books of spirituality and the new age on the topic of ascension, mastery, the new earth and the new energy, I wrote and I guide the courses so that you really pass the consciousness of duality - the second circle, which is the search "who am I" and move to the third circle - which is a soul that knows who is she. To move into the third circle as a unified soul that knows who it is, it involves going through a practical process while you are in a human physical body on Earth

It is not another method or philosophy:  The practical solution for leaving the consciousness of duality and ending the search for "who am I“ at the level of the soul
Do you choose and are you ready to start?
Main page
The studies are only for you
Information and course / book
for beginners

For advanced - courses and information
Why did I write and guide the courses

The procedures and requirements for participation
About personal acquaintance
Recycling and the aid to animals, plants and to everything that exists

Teach without manipulation and commercialism

The Golden Spiral Circle - the practical solution for exiting the consciousness of duality and ending the search for "who am I" at the level of the soul: each and every one of you will have to go through this - are you ready
Contact us


Contact via the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible



האם הייתם/ן מתנהגים/ות כך לילדים שלכם/ן או לעצמכם/ן ?
Would you behave like this to your children or to yourself?

By appointment and pre-registration only

מעגל ספירלת הזהב נוסד ב-  1997 וידוע בייחודיותו בידע ובמידע שאינם נמצאים במוסדות ובמסגרות חינוכיים אחרים
בתיאום ובהרשמה מראש בלבד

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